Internships abroad can be taken from a period of 2 to 12 months per study cycle and within a maximum of one year after the student’s graduation. To take part in an Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeships you need to: Apply to your University. Some have a internship as an integral part of the study curricular. To be eligible for an Erasmus placement grant, you must: be registered as a full-time student at the University of Gothenburg at the time of applying. not simultaneously receive another EU-funded grant or SIDA’s resestipendium. have agreed on a placement with a company or organsiation.

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What? Erasmus+ Traineeships and Internship Grant When? March 17th, 2021, 11 a.m.. Where?

The grant is sufficient to cover their costs of living abroad. You can do the traineeship in the period of up until one year after graduation, but you have to apply for the traineeship before graduating. Students who go abroad under the study mobility programme are often entitled to receive an Erasmus grant.

Erasmus internship grant

Erasmus internship grant

For recipients of Austrian Federal Aid for Students, there is an increased grant from the government possible, IN ADDITION TO THE ERASMUS+ GRANT. This needs to be applied for directly via the Student Aid Body (www.stipendium.at).

Erasmus internship grant

Application. If you are willing to take part in Erasmus+ student mobility internship competition, please fill in the Erasmus application. Please note that applications are accepted until 00:00 of the last day of the competition. Mobility Grants are more varied than Erasmus+ Masters Loans or Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees. You can apply in a range of circumstances and this will determine specific availability and eligibility criteria.
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Erasmus internship grant

The traineeship is under the financial support of the Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeships grant.

Mobility grants for internships in Europe are There are several funding options for internships via the IO, depending on the country in which you do your internship.
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General information.